My mate asked me to do him a new york loft party disco painting over a year ago,i had loads of accidents and injuries and was a bit scared of a big canvas, but i finally got a big canvas and after 2 hours with a pen did this, in a few days it will be coloured and i think it will look class.
Tomorrow is ' if pets had thumbs day'
Imagine the possibilities of dogs flying kites, cats wiring circuits, gerbils flushing, poodles breadcrumbing fish, lizards playing call of duty, birds applying mascara, chickens eating burgers and chips using cutlery, pets letting themselves in with their own set of keys, rabbits racing remote controlled cars in the park, hamsters combing their hair and snakes pinching you every time they see a mini car,
Just imagine i think
Or help a dog out and let them in
As if they had their own thumbs and could use a handle
I started with the coloured version