Tuesday, 11 February 2014

game of thrones party

 winterfell - one cardboard box, a bit of cutting , paint and pen, 2  hours, bang


 dead ned heads and krispy kremes

 winterfell by day,


draw on joffrey

 sarah's delicious vegan carrot cakes, they taste like they have butter, and the decoration really made me happy

ive not put any pictures of people, there were a  lot of towels and bin bags for capes and gowns.


  1. Wow! This looks a well good party!
    Great decorations and brilliant looking cake!

  2. interesting theme Hev; your great great grandad's twin brother was called Fauchie Stark; he died in the mauricewood mining tragedy sometime in the 19th century.This would be on the internet if you wanted to look. Mauricewood is in Penicuik where I was a baby.
